8 things I did yesterday
1 Drove 2 crazy boys to Max's ENT appointment in Coppell.
2 Went grocery shopping with said crazy boys at Sprouts and Kroger
3 Put the groceries away. Yes, this deserves its own line item... it takes forever and I'm always wiped out by the end.
4 Finally finished folding the dang laundry (and nope, I didn't put it away)
5 Taught piano to 3 little giggly girls who were hankering for Skittles
6 Took Felicity to & from her first ever Activity Days!
7 Attended Katrina's soccer practice in the wind while Max and Matthew chased after the balls
8 Bossed the 3 older kids through dinner prep, dinner, dishes, homework, bedtime
And thankfully for you, that's all I have space for.
8 favorite tv shows (Absolutely depending on the episode)
1 Psych
2 Burn Notice
3 The Office
4 30 Rock
5 Lie to me
6 The Barefoot Contessa
7 Design to Sell
8 Music and the Spoken Word (muchly needed calming influence on Sunday morns)
8 fave restaurants, in no particular order
1 Mi Cocina -brisket tacos
2 Joe Vera's -chimis
3 Leatherby's -ice cream!!
4 The Bright Star (Bessemer, AL)- fish
5 Swirl Bakery (desserts) -cakes/pies
6 Amanda's (Hoboken) -basil polenta, but everything there is good
7 Cappriccio -homeade tortellini
8 Anyplace where there's no kid menu
8 things i'm looking forward to
1. Going to Italy
2. Paying off the student loans!!
3. Max not having ear infections anymore
4. Felicity's Baptism on April 11
5. Mark getting home from Alabama (after he goes Sunday morning, of course)
6. School getting out!
7. Sleeping in on Saturday mornings... someday in my probably distant future
8. General Conference
8 wishes
1 New carpet
2 A kitchen floor that operates like a garbage disposal- you flip a switch and all the dirt/junk/extra food under the highchair, all whirls down a hole
3 No more super glue on my counter
4 Perfectly obedient children (ha! that is a wish!)
5 More time to read
6 A self-cleaning car
7 A guilt-free conscience
8 Someone to make me dinner tonight!
8 folks to tag (no pressure folks, I won't start shunning you if you don't want to do this)
Kent, have you ever done a tag? Ever?
Cuz Pete a la Philippines
Cuz Holly (but again, no pressure)
Melody H.
Melissa N.
Lee Ann F.
Fatso. You can do it! (and no, I'm not being insensitive here)