Saturday, June 7, 2008

Meet my son, No-Neck

Sometimes I try to see how far I can pull my kids' legs, just to see how much they will believe on account of my being their mother and mothers knowing just about everything. The other day, after bathing Maxwell, I was calling him "No-neck" (like of Drabble fame) and told the other children that he was born without a neck- his head is directly attached to his shoulders. He really does collect a lot of stinky lint under there.

But he doesn't seem to mind. So this past Monday, a friend from church told me that as she subbed Felicity's class on Sunday, she was teaching about how Jesus healed the sick and afflicted and that miracles continue to happen as people are healed. She said that Felicity was relieved to hear that because then Jesus would be able to give her baby brother a neck.
"Your baby brother has no neck???" the other children yelped.
"Yes. He was born without a neck; his head just goes onto his chest and shoulders."

Whoops, guess I was caught red-handed covering up commandment #9.

But isn't he adorable?


jaime said...

wow! he really IS adorable.

that saddest part of divorcing my ex-husband was the knowledge that i would have no more beautiful brown babies. just white ones... but the white one turned out pretty cute too.

Alice H said...

I can't believe how much Maxwell looks like Mark! It's very cute.

Melanie said...

SUPER cute...of course. And I love how little kids just believe everything you say.

Kent said...

I would say that your children are more gullible than your standard child. I think they may get some of that from their mother...

This, of course, led to some very entertaining lies to Felic and Katrina when I lived with you. There was many a time that Felic got mad at me because I was pulling her leg.

Fairbank Family said...

Yes, he is absolutely adorbale:)

Lauren said...

He is SOO cute JoEllen. I love the story about Felicity - you can't pull a fast one by her. She is way too social!!

Your family is so adorable - totally making me ready for a #4!!

Cheryl said...

What a handsome boy. He is definately a keeper.
Just think, in a few years he will be so tall and skinny, you will laugh to think he had no neck.
I love the stories that you tell your children! My older (and only) brother told me all sorts of things when I was little. I believed him, of course. Causing much tattling and many tears. ("That sign says 'No Cheryl's Allowed' We'll just have to leave you here . . . my response: "mOm! Tony says you have to leave me on the side of the raod.")
Now I have the fun of passing some of those same tales on to my children. They don't seem to believe me, though. I must not be a very convincing liar.

Alexis said...

eieuyteYou just keep having beautiful children- and they are each wonderful in their own way. Maxwell's dimples and smile are fabulous- just like his mother!

Kristie said...

What a cutie. Those are great pictures.