We recently had a couple of snow days. I grumble about more than one because one is a welcome break, two is enough already. Not to mention I hate making up the days. I would have no complaints if we didn't have to make them up. Usually Texas schools err on the side of caution and I scoff at their wimpiness, but storm was for real. It was an all-time record breaking snowstorm and wiped out several trees, bushes, and fences that are not used to such weight that comes with moisture-laden snow. We were glad that we kept our electricity. Others in the area (and across the country that week) were not as fortunate.
The fun thing about the storm was that one of the days, Mark worked from home. It was great to have him around and take the kids out to play in the stuff for one of their outings. I enjoy snow most from a distance or if I'm properly equipped, but my wardrobe is becoming more limited these days and I just really don't like the cold/wet combination. I'll take cold, I'll take wet, but I just don't want them together. The kids are impervious for the first hour or so, and then it's a tramp through the house looking for fresh gear, or to change completely, only to go out again an hour later.
All these pictures were only about a third the way through the storm. I really should have taken a picture of our smashed bushes in the front. Thankfully, they rose from their near-grave; many neighbors' foliage did not fare as well.
Besides, I couldn't go out. I was busy making these, not-very-fabulous-looking-yet-wonderful-tasting treats:
Those treats look fine to me. So do the pictures. Too bad I couldn't give some of those kids a white-washing.
I can't believe how big Matthew and Max are. Just enorm since last summer. I gotta figure out a way to see them again. BTW, we'll be in Utah May 17-23 (hint, hint!).
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