We’ve been reading the Little House books, and recently finished Little House on the Prairie, which ended when the Ingalls family had to leave
Felicity’s response:
“Well, they wouldn’t take it from us because our skin is darker than theirs. Although, we should probably hide you.”
I don’t know what the color of skin has to do with anything, but there is usually a connection, as far as Felicity is concerned. I guess she doesn’t remember that she listed American Indian/Alaskan Native as her ethnicity when we registered her for 2nd grade?
I think it's funny she said they'd have to hide you :)
felicity is hysterical. and, you are so good to read them that series and include a lesson. this teacher is proud!
Why does everything have to be about race with Felic? She didn't offer me Kraft Singles because I was white, too! She needs to go to the same sensitivity training as Michael Scott.
glad to see you had a great trip! Can't wait to see you in August.
I'm worried what Felicity will think about her super white cousins once Kent and I start procreating...We'll just have to teach her that white people have value too.
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