Friday, July 18, 2008

Social Studies

We’ve been reading the Little House books, and recently finished Little House on the Prairie, which ended when the Ingalls family had to leave Missouri because it was Indian Territory. We were discussing the difficulties in getting along that the early settlers and Indians had. I was trying to explain the paradigms of the American Dream (you work & pay for it, it’s yours) vs. the American Indian way of thought (the earth and all its blessings belong to everyone) and discussing pros and cons of each. For example, sharing is good, but sometimes people take advantage of the system. I asked them if they would like it if someone came in and took our tv that we saved and paid for.

Felicity’s response:

“Well, they wouldn’t take it from us because our skin is darker than theirs. Although, we should probably hide you.”

I don’t know what the color of skin has to do with anything, but there is usually a connection, as far as Felicity is concerned. I guess she doesn’t remember that she listed American Indian/Alaskan Native as her ethnicity when we registered her for 2nd grade?


The Yosts said...

I think it's funny she said they'd have to hide you :)

The Eberhardts said...

felicity is hysterical. and, you are so good to read them that series and include a lesson. this teacher is proud!

Kent said...

Why does everything have to be about race with Felic? She didn't offer me Kraft Singles because I was white, too! She needs to go to the same sensitivity training as Michael Scott.

Katie said...

glad to see you had a great trip! Can't wait to see you in August.

Melanie said...

I'm worried what Felicity will think about her super white cousins once Kent and I start procreating...We'll just have to teach her that white people have value too.